The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (IRIAB) was established in 1997 at Soka University. Its ultimate aim is to contribute to the peace and prosperity of living beings on earth through the pursuit of textual criticism and history of ideas on the firm basis of philological methods of research, in just recognition of Buddhism as a cultural heritage of mankind. With this fundamental aim in mind, it has been decided to carry on the following activities:
At present, the principal activities of IRIAB include publication of the Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (which mainly consists of articles written in English) , of a series of monographs (Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica) which represent the results of the individual research work of IRIAB members and of joint projects (The British Library Sanskrit Fragments, The St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments and Gilgit Manuscripts in the National Archives of India); the organization of a series of lectures, called Buddhist Meetings (four times per academic year) generally intended for the invitation of overseas scholars; the promotion of joint research projects with the foreign scholars invited to the institute; the participation of IRIAB members to international conferences; and the establishment of a specialized library devoted to Buddhology and related fields.
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